China’s reforestation efforts: pioneering reforestation for a sustainable future

China's reforestation efforts cover

Forests are vital in maintaining Earth’s health, acting as a key buffer against climate change, a habitat for diverse species, and a source of livelihood for millions of people. However, the alarming decline in global tree cover is a significant concern. Between 2001 and 2023, the world lost an estimated 488 million hectares (Mha) of […]

How laundry cleaning brands incorporate sustainability into their business in China


The laundry cleaning market in China has been growing steadily in recent years. According to iiMedia’s report, the market size of the laundry cleaning market is predicted to reach 87.5 billion yuan and continue to grow in the next few years. As the laundry cleaning market in China keeps expanding, laundry detergent brands are increasingly […]

Hydrogen vehicles in China: Will it overtake EVs?

Hydrogen vehicles in China

As of March 2022, the Chinese government released the country’s first-ever long-term plan for hydrogen vehicles. By 2025, the government aims to have 50,000 hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles on the road, more than 6 times the existing units of 8,000 in 2020. The gap in the market and the explicit support from the government for the […]

Green consumption in China: the lesser-known ‘side-effect’ of COVID-19 for brands


Green consumption refers to consumers’ preference towards environmental-friendly products. The awareness of sustainability in China and green consumption has been a growing trend in pre-pandemic times and Chinese consumers have been increasingly motivated to choose eco-friendly and social-friendly products for the sake of protecting the environment. This has been proven by a number of recent […]

Sustainable consumption in China: Are Chinese consumers ready to ride the green wave?

Sustainable consumption

In 2018, dairy company Yili Group released a report on sustainable consumption in China in which it mentioned that over 90% of Chinese consumers were aware of sustainable consumption and 70% were very conscientious of it. Awareness of eco-friendly consumption in China is increasing as sustainability and environmental summits and conferences are flourishing. In a […]

Modern Chinese fashion: Poetry, heritage, tech-forward and impact are the four upcoming trends

modern Chinese fashion and streetwear

As the structure of mass consumption has undergone major changes in China, modern Chinese fashion is following new trends. Nowadays, “displaying power, connecting industries, and promoting ecology” has become the mission of many Chinese fashion brands. With the deepening of international fashion exchanges and cooperation, Chinese traditional elements and oriental aesthetics have received great attention. […]

Office furniture market in China: Industry Report

the office furniture market in China

The office furniture market in China is in rapid development. After China joined the WTO, the tariff on office furniture decreased, triggering the increase of the office furniture export. Meanwhile, China is also one of the largest office furniture consumption countries. According to Qianzhan, the revenue of the office furniture market in China was over […]

Green Buildings in China: Market drivers and misconceptions

Eco-friendly buildings in China

Green buildings have established themselves as a key element in the future development of the Chinese economy. In fact, 25% of energy consumed in China is attributed to buildings. The green building industry’s expansion is occurring quickly. While the first green building was built in 2005, today there are more than 1 billion square meters […]

Green China: Fintech – tech giants fueling green technology and green finance | Daxue Consulting

Green technologies in China

Tech giants as green innovators China’s technology giants such as Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba are playing a vital role in sustainable development. These top internet companies are accelerating the pace of change through online technology – particularly e-commerce, internet banking, and social media – as well as green innovation and technology. China’s sustainable technology sector […]

Green China: Chinese consumers demand green products | Daxue Consulting

Environmental business

China’s accelerated economic expansion coupled with lax environmental oversight has led to a number of ecological problems within the country. Thus, the impacts of the lack of environmental protection have become a personal problem in the eyes of many Chinese consumers primarily in regards to health and safety; in light of growing public concerns and […]