Daxue Talks transcript #23: How can a brand develop a real in-house capability in China?

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 23. Learn from Max Peiro how to combine a real in-house capability in China with a tech team and external collaborations. Full transcript below: Max Peiro: My name is Max Peiro. I’m obviously not Chinese. I’m from Barcelona, but I’ve been living for 12 years in Shanghai. I am the […]
Daxue Talks transcript #22: Corporate innovation trends in China in 2019

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 22. Learn with Max Peiro, Daxue Talks’ new guest, about innovation trends in China and South East Asia. Full transcript below: Max Peiro: My name is Max Peiro. I’m obviously not Chinese. I’m from Barcelona, but I’ve been living for 12 years in Shanghai. I am the CEO of Re-Hub. At […]
China Paradigm 73: Connecting the Chinese innovation ecosystem to accelerate product market fit

In this episode of China Paradigm, Luis Sarre, the CEO and Co-Founder of Free Entrepreneurs, with Matthieu David about creating an entrepreneur network in China. In this China business vlog, we learn about the Chinese innovation ecosystem and how Sarre can balance so many exciting projects at once. This vlog wouldn’t be possible without the […]
China Paradigm 67: Understanding yourself through China’s lens

In this episode of China Paradigm, Andrea Myles, CEO & Co-Founder of the China Australia Millennial Project, speaks with Mathieu David-Experton about building intercultural relations between Chinese and Australian individuals through innovation. She tells us about the processes of the China Australia Millennial Project and shares some tips with us on the key to getting […]
Podcast transcript #42: Innovation programs in China, a good accelerator for foreign startups

Find here the China paradigm episode 42. Learn more about Matthieu Bodin and Adriana Verde Rios’ story in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello, everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting Strategic Research Company, and this China business podcast China Paradigm. Today I […]
Sharing economy meets digital innovation in China’s beauty industry | Daxue Consulting

Beauty booths in China: Fast- beauty dream or reality? From telephone booth to photo booth, lending a private space with a shared product or service is not a new business model. However, a unique cubicle has recently come into sight – the beauty booth in China. The pod with the size of a walk-in closet […]
Impactful innovations in China that could be world game changers

What innovations in China will change the world’s game and how? Mobile payment and the online to offline (O2O) model, as well as the introduction of several sharing apps like Mobike (摩拜单车), can be world game changers. But also innovations in China in quantum physics, supercomputing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are affecting the world. The […]
Innovation in China: What makes the difference?

Innovation in China It is globally accepted that China has recently become a global place for innovation. More European entrepreneurs and existing brands go to this country to implement ideas and attract local customers. Companies seek to find innovative ways of running a business more effectively. As long as China is becoming a global economy […]
Nanotechnology in China – An Invisible Revolution
Nanotechnology in China is being rapidly developed by 300 companies and more than 3,000 researchers in China. Thanks to the support of more than 50 universities and 20 research centres in the Chinese Academy of Science, China has the largest number of newly registered nanotech companies in the world. However, recently nanotechnologies have seriously disappointed […]
French start-ups in China

China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion people and an economy with a staggering growth rate has emerged as one of the most financially viable business hot beds for many European brands. This is the outcome of the increasing purchasing power of the Chinese middle income group. Consumers are now in a position […]