Differences in Chinese Shoppers’ Behaviors by City Tiers and Regions

In this report, we divide China into four regions: north(Liaoning(辽宁), Heilongjiang(黑龙江), Beijng(北京), Tianjin(天津), Hebei(河北), Shandong(山东), Shanxi(山西)), south(Guangdong(广东), Fujian(福建), Hunan(湖南), Hubei(湖北)), east(Shanghai(上海), Jiangsu(江苏), Zhejiang(浙江), Anhui(安徽), Henan(河南)) and west(Sichuan(四川), Chongqing(重庆), Shaanxi(陕西), Guangxi(广西), Yunnan(云南), Guizhou(贵州)). All households spend between approximately RMB 6,700 to RMB 7,400 per household. However, there is big variation among city tiers. Take shoppers in […]