Daxue Talks 2: Everything you need to know about WFOE in China in 2019

WFOE in China in 2019 The first guest of the Daxue Talks China business vlog, Nicolas Coster, French business lawyer who specialized in FDI, shares the legal requirements of wholly foreign-owned enterprises in China. In this episode, in three and a half minutes we tried to clarify frequently asked questions about wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) […]
Daxue Talks transcript #1: 5 minutes talk with a business lawyer about the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights in China

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 1. Learn in 2-5 minutes the latest updates about intellectual property (IP) rights protection in China from a China-based business lawyer. Full transcript below: I am Nicolas Coster, I’m a Fench business lawyer. I’ve been in China for 16 years and specialized in foreign direct investment. So, basically, I set […]
Daxue Talks 1: Protecting intellectual property rights in China, advice from a business lawyer

Intellectual property rights in China In the first episode of Daxue Talks, we welcome Nicolas Coster, a French business lawyer who specializes in foreign direct investment. In this China business vlog, Coster answers questions related to IP protection in China. Jump to the questions: 0:40 About IP protection, what is the process to get your […]