China’s sharing economy: a roller coaster ride of mixed performances in 2022

China's sharing economy

Sharing economy is an economic model where the Internet is leveraged by businesses to pair customers with service providers. It reorganizes the scattered resources and satisfies diversified economic needs. In China, the development of its sharing economy can be categorized into three stages: introduction (2000-2008), start-up (2009-2012), and growth (2013-present). Currently, China’s sharing economy is […]

Checking the health of online clothing rental services in China

online clothing rental services in China

According to a report jointly released by Bain & Co. and the TMall Luxury Division, mainland China accounted for 20% of the world’s luxury industry last year and it is going to become the largest luxury market by 2025. Unlike the in the past, nowadays Chinese consumers’ reluctance to purchase pre-owned luxury clothing is gradually […]