To prepare the visit of Xi Jinping and the negotiation with Chinese partners at the end of March 2014, the European Commission invited Stephane Grand to discuss with commission members. The founder and associate director of China-based financial and accounting firm SJ Grand has discussed with the members of the commission, including president Jose Manuel Barroso, about the best way to deal with corruption and fraud in the daily operations in China and more generally about the best way to enter into Chinese market.

Stephane Grand is the founder and associate director of the firm SJ Grand. SJ Grand provides tax, accounting and corporate advisory services to foreign-invested companies in Beijing, Shanghai and all over China. SJ Grand offers cost-effective individual and corporate tax strategy services, outsourced payroll solutions, audit and limited review…
Stephane Grand created SJ Grand about ten years ago, in 2003, after a long experience in China. He arrived the first time in China in the early 1990’s as a partner in a law firm in Beijing. He is graduated from HEC Paris (MBA), La Sorbonne (a Phd in Chinese contract law) and from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and has a strong experience in China business environment; he is seen today as one of the true expert of China practices, market and regulation. He gives regular lectures about legal and financial aspect in business running in China as an associate teacher in the Graduate school of business in the University of Illinois. He also gives lectures in ESSEC, the second business school in France.
The fraud and the corruption management is a crucial stake to develop long term and relevant business relationship with China right now. The visit of Stephane Grand, a French successful entrepreneur in China, was also a way to promote the 50th anniversary of the relation between France and China with one of the persons who contribute to the dynamism of the French business in China.
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