As anyone on Chinese social media has already seen from the explosive collaboration, in the 1st week of September, domestic coffee chain Luckin Coffee launched a new product “sauce-flavored latte (酱香拿铁),” in collaboration with Kweichow Moutai (贵州茅台), the producer of China’s “National Liquor”, baijiu. This new drink, containing no more than 0.5% alcohol by volume, quickly became a hot hit among young people and sold out in several Beijing Luckin stores even before midday. Meanwhile, on Weibo, Xiaohongshu, and WeChat, netizens are sharing images and videos of themselves trying this unique alcohol-infused latte. Some found the drink’s flavor pleasantly sweet and were enthusiastic about their “first sip of Moutai.” Others, however, expressed doubts about whether the latte truly contained authentic Moutai, as it is difficult to tell from taste alone.
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The epic social media buzz created from this collab leaves us, and apparently many netizens, wondering how evergreen the effects of this campaign will be…
Baijiu’s challenge to transform novelties into loyal drinkers
Although the culture of baijiu (白酒) in China has come a long way, it is considered a drink for the older generation for its strong taste and old-fashioned brand perception. In the past few years, traditional baijiu brands have made many endeavors to cater to the taste of the younger generation from brand collaborations to celebrity endorsements.

However, according to a survey conducted by Ries Consulting in 2022, only 13% of the respondents chose baijiu as their favorite drink. Hence, it’s safe to say that many are simply trying the drink for the novelty but might not convert to baijiu drinkers. Hence, many netizens say baijiu brands still have a long way to go and #the rejuvenation of baijiu should not stop at publicity stunts# (白酒年轻化不应止步于营销秀).
Beyond promotion: navigating the baijiu rejuvenation journey
- Social mеdia covеragе of Luckin x Moutai collaboration has raisеd quеstions about its long-tеrm impact and whеthеr it will havе a lasting impact.
- Baijiu, thе traditional Chinеsе alcohol brand, is trying to appеal to thе youngеr gеnеration. However, a survеy in 2022 rеvеalеd only 13% prеfеrеncе, suggеsting that pеoplе might many arе only trying it as a novеlty
- Nеtizеns bеliеvе that Baijiu brands nееd to do morе than just promotions to makе thе drink truly frеsh among youngеr consumеrs.