Social Media Listening

In China, where data reliability and transparency are major issues for market researchers, gaining first-hand insights directly from consumers’ perceptions is crucial. Social media listening in China helps you understand the conversation surrounding your brand or company.

Social Media Listening is the process of identifying and investigating what is being said online about your brand or your market category. It is a qualitative research method aiming at getting first-hand insights from consumers.

Social media listening in the China is a valuable customer intelligence tool, especially since the Chinese social media landscape is unique, fragmented, and fast-evolving.

Depending on the objective, Daxue Consulting’s team observes social activities on various websites such as Weibo, WeChat, Baidu Zhidao (百度知道), Zhihu (知乎), Douban (豆瓣), and Dazhong Dianping (大众点评) for Mainland China, and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for Greater China.

Our steps for social media listening in China:


Our team will learn more about your needs and identify the most suitable social media platform in China to conduct your social media listening.


We will detect the most popular keywords associated with your brand on Chinese social media.


Our experts will evaluate whether those keywords are positive or negative.


Our team will review the data gathered and deliver the most important conclusions and relevant comments to you.

What Social Media Listening brings you

Critical feedback on your brand

Social listening enables you to know more about your brand’s reputation and visibility in China, as well as identify new market opportunities.

Deeper understanding of your market

You can obtain your consumers’ profiles and categorize them into distinct demographic groups to better understand their demands.

Support your strategic decisions

Our social listening report can help you make crucial decisions involving brand awareness, marketing campaigns, and customer service.