Artificial intelligence in China: from manufacturing hub to global tech innovator

artificial intelligence in china

Over time, China is gradually moving away from its cheap-mass-production-based economy and is progressing up the value chain toward the innovative field, especially in high-tech. In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in China has emerged as a pivotal domain of innovation, becoming a critical factor in different segments of the economy. China has become a global […]

The AI technology in Chinese factories

AI in China

In 2016, the Chinese government made a commitment to its Three-Year Guidance for Internet Plus Artificial Intelligence Plan that would focus on funding and the development of AI, which will boost its economy. At a subsequent year, the State Council released a New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan which contained details on China’s strategy to […]

Emotional data in China: when emotions become measurable | Daxue Consulting

emotional data in China

Emotion is a universal language, difficult to decipher, and very particular. What if brands today were able to know how a consumer feels when he/she sees an advertisement or enters a store? How would this change marketing? Daxue Consulting has dived into the field of emotional data in China and gives you all the keys […]