Agricultural tech in China: Feeding 20% of the world’s population with 7% of its arable land

Food production and supply in China are some of the key challenges to work on for the Chinese government. The aging rural population, supply chain tensions, and the pandemic highlighted the structural issues that this crucial industry is facing. To resolve this, Beijing decided on strong policies that are aimed at developing the rural food-producing […]
Market strategies for foreign sustainable food startups in China

In the 60s, Chinese people consumed on average 5kg of meat a year. After the launching of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, those numbers grew fourfold, hitting 20kg per person. By 2015, the per-capita meat consumption reached 48kg. According to the Insight on Plant-Based Meat Industry White Paper, China’s per capita consumption of meat equals now that […]
Podcast transcript #76: Bring Chinese a healthier lifestyle by doing wellness consulting in China

Find here the China Paradigm 76, where we, Daxue Consulting, interview seasoned entrepreneurs in China. In today’s interview, we will discuss wellness consulting in China, and get familiar with a food education platform in China. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of this podcast, China Paradigm, and Daxue Consulting Group, a […]
What foreign companies can gain to know from the current situation in China’s pork industry | daxue consulting

China’s pork industry China’s government has promoted the development of large-scale pig farms in response to disruptions in China’s pork industry caused by swine flu When people think of China, one of the first things that comes to mind is its huge population. For those in the food industry, China’s huge population also means huge […]
Vegan movement in China: Growing trend or fad diet?

In the last few years, Chinese consumers’ interest in meatless meals has soared. Chinese people are becoming more health-conscience and more conscientious about their food choices. They are increasingly aware of the negative consequences of consuming too much animal products, hence are open to eating plant-based foods. According to a report by Euromonitor, China was […]
Importing food to China: How to get foreign food products past China’s iron gate | Daxue Consulting

Importing food to China in 2019. Consumers demand for imported food in China has been growing steadily over the last several years. In 2017 China imported 53 million tons of food, up 36.5% from the year before. The value of the food imported also rose by 25%. Figure 2: Food-navigator Asia In 2017, China’s total […]
[Podcast] China paradigm episode #9: How to successfully run a restaurant in China

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Florent Bonnefoy, founder of Bonnefoy + Partners, about his 10 years of experience in the food-related business in greater China. He explains us how to perfectly run a restaurant in China. Bonnefoy + Partners works with food entrepreneurs across China mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and […]
Red meat imports in China: France and USA step into the game

Will the increasing red meat imports in China be able to feed the growing Chinese appetite for beef and sheep meat? This question is especially relevant as China banned many countries from exporting meat to China after scandals like the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis in the 1990s in Europe or in the US in […]
Online mobile shopping leads the way for grocery delivery in China

Through mobile shopping, e-commerce is expanding into the countryside alongside grocery delivery in China. Recent news of’s intent to buy Whole Foods Market, an American offline grocery chain, has sparked speculations that the US e-commerce giant is making a move to “catch up” with its Chinese counterparts. With little doubt, grocery e-commerce in China […]
Fresh Food in China: New Online Shopping Marketplace

As reported by the Internet Retailer, total online retail sales in China reached ¥3.877 trillion ($589.61 billion) in 2015, a growth of 33.3% from 2014, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics in China. Since 2013, China is the world’s largest e-retail market. The iResearch’s Fresh Food in E-Commerce in China shows that […]
Food safety in China: An Essential Public Health Issue

With the largest population in the world – currently 1.38 billion – Food safety in China faces unprecedented challenges in feeding its population, even under the best circumstances. The population density, as well as the pressure coming from a growing global competition, are all factors increasing the food safety issue in China. The country’s agriculture […]
The Avocado in China: Can the Avocado Trend Take Off in the Chinese Market?

The avocado, also called ‘alligator pear’, is a fruit from Mexico and Central America. Avocado in China is called Niu you Guo, literally “butter fruit” for its taste. This nutritious fruit qualifies as a “superfood,” which means that it is a food thought to be nutritionally dense and good for health. Residents of Western countries […]