Daxue Talks transcript #43: What are the trends for B2B marketing in China?

In this episode of Daxue Talks Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist, answers to the question of what are the trends for B2B marketing in China. Full transcript below: Have you witnessed any B2B O2O strategies that connect both offline and online? Yes, for that there is WeChat. Basically, with a QR code, you can link […]
Daxue Talks 43: Effective B2B strategies to enter China’s market

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the trends for B2B marketing in China and the effective B2B strategies to enter China’s market. From this episode, you will learn about the relevance of KOLs for the B2B sector, the B2B O2O strategies and the marketing formats that B2B companies should […]
Daxue Talks transcript #13: O2O business model in China

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 13. From the talk with Igor learn in 2-5 minutes about the O2O business model in China. Full transcript below: My name is Igor Temirov, I’m an expert in developing foreign markets and for the last five years, I have been in China, helping several companies to enter the Chinese […]
Daxue Talks 13: Find a balance: online and offline presence in China

The next guest on Daxue Talks is a Russian expert in developing foreign markets, Igor Temirov. In this China business vlog, learn the unique O2O business model features in China in 2019. Jump to the question: 0:45 Does the O2O business model have unique features in China compared to the West? What are they? Daxue […]
Medical e-commerce in China: Get ready for the anticipated opportunity | Daxue Consulting

Medical e-commerce in China started in 2005 with the government’s permission of online pharmacy. After 13 years of rapid growth, the basic industrial structure of medical e-commerce is formed. Hundreds of online pharmacies and platforms are offering a variety of medicines and health products at a low price and a fast delivery service. However, the […]