Podcast transcript #9: the keys to success in opening a food business in China

Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 9. Learn more about Florent Bonnefoy’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. BECOME AN EXPERT OF CHINA’S FOOD INDUSTRY BY LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST Matthieu: I’m today with Florent Bonnefoy, founder of Bonnefoy + Partners since last year. He started his […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm #33: How to run a health food business in China

China Paradigm interviews Benjamin Patin, co-founder of Wheat Co. and Sailang. In this interview we learn about both his businesses, one doing China imports and one is a healthy restaurant in Shanghai. Diving deep into the business model of his restaurant, as it includes many interesting elements like meal planning and nutrition advising, we learn […]
Facts and Trends of China’s Restaurant Industry

China’s Restaurant Industry The growth of the country’s restaurant sector in 2014 increased for the first time in the past four years. Revenue of China’s restaurant sector reached 2.79 trillion yuan (US$445.5 billion) in 2014, up 9.7% from 2013, according to the latest data released by China Cuisine Association (CCA). The growth in the restaurant […]