Tripling sales and halving prices: China’s samples market revolutionizing purchases

Product samples have increasingly influenced full-size purchases in recent years, reshaping the Chinese B2C market. The astonishing popularity of sample-sized products has given rise to a thriving samples economy in China which has not seen similar growth in the West. Chinese consumers are increasingly embracing sample-sized shopping, leading to a shift from samples being purely promotional to […]
Is China’s sample’s economy a beauty market disrupter?

According to’s data, the sales of sample-size products (小样) in China have grown 4.3-fold between 2019 and 2023. Vending machines distributing sample-size products are popping up around malls, Harmay (話梅), a sample-size retailer born on Taobao has hopped offline to run 11 stores in 8 Chinese cities. Chinese consumers are then going to Xiaohongshu […]
China’s samples economy report

Product samples are incredibly popular in China, driving the growth of a unique economy that hasn’t seen the same rise in the West due to specific economic factors and consumer preferences. In China, product samples are evolving from a promotional tactic to a packaging option, as consumers are increasingly willing to buy sample-sized products. This […]