Huawei’s market strategy during a really, really rough year

For Huawei’s smartphone business, 2020 was particularly difficult. On the one hand, under the trade ban signed by the United States in 2019, Huawei’s smartphones sold overseas cannot be equipped with Google’s GMS (Google Mobile Service), which has seriously affected their overseas sales of smartphones. Even though the Chinese smartphone brand launched HMS (Huawei Mobile […]
Сross-border e-commerce in China: What do new CBE regulations mean for your exports business? | Daxue Consulting

How will the Chinese cross-border e-commerce market change? New CBE regulations On January 1st, 2019, China implemented new cross-border e-commerce regulations to improve the supervision of CBE retail imports. The two Circulars were issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs (GAC), […]
China market entry: Australia-China Trade Agreement

China market entry: Australia-China Trade Agreement China and Australia has been strengthening economic relationship for the last decade. Australia-China Trade Agreement, which was initiated by two partners in 2005, has officially pointed a need for bilateral negotiations. Although it was not completed due to certain disagreement on agricultural sector, it was a step toward closer […]