Clubhouse in China: The app’s quick rise and fall created a battle ground for imitators

The wave of Clubhouse blew from Silicon Valley to Chinese social networks. Since Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, joined a chat room on Clubhouse, this audio-only social app has become a buzz with netizens around the world. According to App Annie, Clubhouse has exceeded 8.1 million downloads worldwide, and 4.6 million come from February […]
Second-hand e-commerce in China reaches demand from a new generation of consumers

Under the Chinese context, the word “Second-hand” (二手货) does not have a positive perception, as the previous generation of consumers do not take pride in consuming used product. It is a stereotype from the last consumer era in China when people were looking for “brand-new”, “luxury” and “possessions”. However, as the economy has matured, growth […]
6G in China is at the initial stage of development, here is what you should know

As early as 2018, The 5G Technology Working Group at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology started research into 6G in China. This makes China one of the first countries to explore 6G technology. In November 2019, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with other key ministries and research institutions organized a 6G […]
5G development in China: covering more industries and cities in 2020

The Chinese internet reaches 900 million people, most of which are mobile users, setting the foundation for success in 5G development. Forecasts show that Chinese 5G users will reach 650 million by 2023, covering around 40% of the Chinese population. Additionally, the government views 5G development in China as crucial to the country’s tech sector […]
China’s baby wipes market is driven by consumption upgrade

The Chinese wipes market has grown dramatically, from three to seven billion US dollars from 2014 to 2019. In 2019, the growth rate reached 21.5%. China’s baby wipes market is the top segment of the Chinese wipes market, which is segmented into baby wipes, regular sanitary wipes, make-up removal wipes and sanitary wipes for women. […]
KOC marketing in China often gets more bang for the buck than KOL marketing

KOC marketing in China is gaining popularity due to the rise of big data platforms and new demands from young consumers. Chinese KOCs (Key Opinion Consumers), are regular consumers who love to share their true product reviews on popular social media. Although most KOCs don’t have a large fan base, they are the key for […]
Market Tidbits transcript #4: Mobility market in China: services related to getting things from point A to B

Matthieu David: Hello everyone. Today, for this Market Tidbits, we are going to talk about the mobility market in China. Mobility is a big thing. We are seeing in the world Uber, but in China, we are seeing Didi and Didi won the battle over Uber in China, taking actually some shares worldwide and Uber sitting […]
What the success of bubble tea in China reveals about Chinese consumers

With more than 140.5 billion RMB of annual sales made by milk tea shops in 2019, the success of bubble tea in China is well proven. If you are lost among all the new entrants to the market, the latest innovations and the dynamics of the sector, this article retraces the history of bubble tea […]
Popular American TV series in China and what they reveal about Chinese consumers

American TV series are a big hit in China. As a source of soft power influence from the west to the east, many hit sitcoms, dramas and action series have been largely welcomed by Chinese audiences. Whether or not it was the intention of American producers to reach Chinese fans, it is nonetheless a great […]
The Economics of Childhood Obesity in China: One in five Chinese children are overweight

In 1995, approximately one in twenty (5.3%) Chinese children were overweight. In 2014, one in five (20.5%) Chinese children were overweight. This makes China’s 2014 childhood overweight prevalence rate about the same as the USA in 1990. On top of this, the growth rate of the childhood overweight prevalence rate in China from 1995 to […]
Understanding Chinese sense of humor through ads

Navigating the Chinese sense of humor can be incredibly difficult for individuals, let alone brands marketing to Chinese consumers. Although appealing to Chinese through funny advertisements is certainly effective, brands must understand the barriers, the taboos, versus the sweet spots of Chinese humor. The first thing that westerners need to wrap their head around when […]
Traditional and modern Chinese superstitions: Ghosts, gods, fate, and wedding dates

Chinese superstitious psychology has existed since ancient times. It originated from prehistoric religious ideas of primitive society. Through the development of Shang dynasty, Western Zhou dynasty, the Warrior Kingdom Period, Qin and Han dynasty and so on, it finally formed various forms of secular superstition in modern times and reformed under the influence of politics, […]