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Advantages of Brand Independence in China

Advantages of brand independence in China

What is Brand Independence? Brand independence refers to a brand not relying on any other third party channels such as online marketplaces to sell products. In this case, the traffic will be driven from independent sales channels such as the brand’s own website. Brands, in turn, can manage their own identity, assets, and digital assets […]

The Silver Economy in China: Consumption trends of China’s aging population

pensions in china

What is the state of China’s silver economy? Often referred to as the seniors’ Market, the Silver Economy in China covers all products and services intended for people aged 60 and older. As stated in its name, the Silver Economy is not only a ”market”  but also functions as an “economy”. Senior citizens in China […]

The Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem in China

China's programmatic advertising

What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is buying digital advertising space automatically, with computers using data to decide which ads to buy and how much to pay for them. The programmatic advertising economy has experienced five key development nodes which embraces room for future growth. Download our report on the programmatic advertising ecosystem in China […]