medical tourism in China

Daxue Talks 41: What you need to know about healthcare marketing in China

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the medical tourism in China and healthcare marketing in China. Thus, you will learn how to promote medical tourism online in China, discover the strategies for healthcare marketing and also learn more about healthcare scandals in China.

  • 0:21 How can you promote medical tourism online in China?
  • 3:41 What scandals do healthcare companies need to be aware of before they enter China?
  • 6:17 Does it make sense to target Chinese travelers outside of China to communicate one healthcare product?

Daxue Talks is a show powered by daxue consulting, a china-based strategic market research company founded in 2010! With Daxue Talks, you will stay up to date with all the latest business updates in China.

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