China Paradigm 124: Supporting international institutions in China’s fast-growing healthcare segments

We interview Douglas Corley, who is a Beijing-based healthcare entrepreneur and the Co-Founder and CEO at DHB Global. For ten years DHB Global has acted as a bridge between foreign private healthcare companies trying to get into the Chinese healthcare market and the Chinese healthcare regulatory institutions to facilitate successful transitions from foreign frameworks and […]
China Paradigm 118: From freelancing to founding one of the largest image production houses in China

Matthieu David interviews Rodney Evans, Founder & CEO of Central Studios Shanghai, one of the largest image production houses in China. The photo and video production industry has definitely shifted to a more streamlined approach due to the emergence of social media in the last decade. Central Studios Shanghai, a photo studio based in China, […]
Daxue Talks 74: Marketing in China: Alternatives to email newsletters

1:06: We know that email Newsletters are not effective in China. Which channel can replace newsletters? 2:56: You mentioned SMS solutions several times. What kind of software do you use in China to distribute SMS easily and to connect them to your platform? Daxue Talks is a show powered by daxue consulting, a china-based strategic market research company […]
China paradigm transcript #94: Connecting Europe and Chinese leaders in 2020

Find here the China paradigm episode 94. In this interview, Yingzi Yuan, Executive Director at Europe China Foundation, discusses Europe-China business relationships and how her foundation is connecting Europe and Chinese leaders. Full transcript below: Hello everyone, this is China Paradigm, where we, Daxue Consulting, interview seasoned entrepreneurs in China. Matthieu David: Hello everyone, I’m […]
China Paradigm transcript #90: Is the VR industry the next tech revolution in China?

Find here the China paradigm episode 90. Learn Eloi Gerard‘s (CEO and co-founder of CrowsNest) story in China and find out all the details about the VR industry in China. Full transcript below: Hello everyone. This is China Paradigm where we, Daxue Consulting, interview season entrepreneurs in China. Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu […]
Daxue Talks 45: How to monitor the psychological state of employees in crisis situations

The psychological state of employees in crisis situations The next guest on Daxue Talks is a psychologist and the head of psychology at ChingHo clinic, David Ammerschlaeger. In this China business vlog, David talks about indicators that actually can help managers to see if there are psychological balance problems caused by crisis situations in a […]
Daxue Talks 43: Effective B2B strategies to enter China’s market

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the trends for B2B marketing in China and the effective B2B strategies to enter China’s market. From this episode, you will learn about the relevance of KOLs for the B2B sector, the B2B O2O strategies and the marketing formats that B2B companies should […]
Daxue Talks transcript #42: Mastering B2B online marketing in China

In this episode of Daxue Talks Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist, talks about mastering B2B online marketing in China. Full transcript below: What are the differences between the West and China when it comes to B2B e-marketing? The main difference for me is the concept of e-reputation. In the West, you look for information, find a […]
Daxue Talks 42: Understand business-to-business e-marketing in China

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist, who will tell you more about China’s B2B online marketing and help to understand business-to-business e-marketing in China. Olivier Verot discusses the sectors that are more suitable for B2B online sales, he compares B2B e-marketing in China and in the West and also brings up the […]
Daxue Talks 41: What you need to know about healthcare marketing in China

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the medical tourism in China and healthcare marketing in China. Thus, you will learn how to promote medical tourism online in China, discover the strategies for healthcare marketing and also learn more about healthcare scandals in China. 0:21 How can you promote medical […]
Daxue Talks transcript #40: Understanding cross-border health care e-commerce with China

Based on this episode of Daxue Talks with Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist, you will better understand cross-border health care e-commerce with China. Full transcript below: Are cross-border sales relevant to health care? Yes, it is relevant for cross-border sales. It is extremely relevant. Chinese people want to buy health care products will search online […]
Podcast transcript #85: A Hong Kong-based consultancy bringing sustainability in the fashion industry

China paradigm is a China business podcast sponsored by Daxue Consulting where we interview successful entrepreneurs about their businesses in China. You can access all available episodes from the China paradigm Youtube page. Do not hesitate to reach out our project managers at to get all answers to your questions