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Online panels in China : Le Diao Cha & Taidu 8

Our focus this week is on online panels in China. Having seen the main apps offering panels in China, we will discuss about the Internet tools providing this online service in China.

Online panels in China

Le Diao Cha (乐调查)


Channels for sample panel collection: 50% come from Ji Fen Bao (a part of Taobao business, which has cooperation with online questionnaire agent. Taobao users answer questions and earn points), 30% come from Sina users and Tencent users, 20% come from Baidu Keywords.

– The business has been authorized by Pay Bao, so that it is easy for respondents to earn money.

– Also, as Le Diao Yan provides some programming service for Sina, 163 and Tencent, they can get data of their users.

Ways of invitation: Emails (high checking rate of these emails), messages through pop-up windows, mobile phone apps

Ways of reward:

1) Money.

2) Badges for online community members which show the status of a member in a community.

3) Bonus points online (Sina, Tencent, Baidu).

4) Physical prize, e.g. a T-shirt with Sina logo, small household appliances such as hair dryer, etc.

For those who are not serious when answering questions, there is penalty of losing points and the user account may even be locked.


Private Online BBS: here investigators can have discussions with respondents when they want deeper answers.


Note: Supposing we have 2000 questionnaires with 30 questions to be finished in 30 cities in China for a specific brand car.

Programming: 3,000 RMB

Sampling: 120 RMB per each, including 5 RMB for respondents and 15 RMB for the service

Project management: 1,000 RMB

Total: 44,000 RMB

Project management

Programming with further revise: 2 – 3 days

Data collection: 7 – 8 days

Data selection and reduction: 1 day


1. High penetration rate. The company is more like a library of samples, with no less than 1.2 million active samples. It can attract more than 10 thousand respondents within shorter time than others.

2. It has responsible respondents. It first invites those who have positive records in answering questions before and only those who are invited can take part in the survey. The company will add two to three trap questions to delete those who are not concentrated on answering questions.

3. Personal information on Pay Bao are totally true with only one exact identity card number, bank account, telephone number, email address and home address. And most Sina and Tencent users` information can also be traced.

4. The design of questionnaire platform is delicate and this will create some pleasure for respondents answering questions.

5. One IP for one questionnaire. Even if a user have Pay Bao, Baidu and Sina account at the same time, but the IP is from one place, he can only answer the question once. It has a checking system for multi-registration and non-manual registration.

6. Use SPSS for confidence level.


1. Price – a bit higher, possible to negotiate to 17 RMB.

2. A risk of business privacy. Even with a contract, information may be given through chats and talks.

3. High accuracy, not suitable for small cases or when client do not require high accuracy.

4. Hard to reach those who do not use these webs.

Taidu 8 (态度8)

Online market research China


An online research agent with deep cooperation with Chinese media, including CCTV 2.

It covers a wide range of topics to be surveyed. There are sub-pages for FMCG, economics, real estate, politics, etc.

Source of sample: Sina B

Ways of invitation log, Sina Weibo, Doc in, Kai Xin Wang.

  1. There are a lot of spontaneous respondents who pay much attention on current affairs.
  2. Through URL links, phone messages and internal letters on Sina Blog, Sina Weibo, Doc in (豆丁), Kai Xin Wang.
  3. Commercial questionnaires are advised to use email invitation letter as well as to be published on the website.

Ways of reward

Surveys are divided into money-reward surveys and points-reward surveys.

Money-reward surveys: 1 gold coin equals 1 RMB.

To recommend a friend to register, a person can earn 1 gold coin; To ask a friend to fulfill his information, a person can earn 3 gold coin.

Points-reward surveys: 100 point equals 1 RMB. Small surveys usually give 1 to 2 points to respondents.

Other rewards: phone credit, qq, JD, Pay Bao, etc.


Platform rent: 2,900RMB/month, 21,600RMB/year


1. High answering rate with more valuable comments on how to improve things mentioned in the questionnaire.

2. Believable answers from responsible respondents.

3. Attractive to respondants


1. Although the answering rate is high, surveyor cannot control how long it takes to finish all the questionnaires.

2. The survey service is not specific for market research. It is not easy to attract people who care more about societal issues to answer a market research questionnaire.

More about survey in China : reuters / SCMP

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