China Paradigm 121: Advertising in China with transparency and precise targeting

In this episode of China Paradigm, we interview Jie Zhang, a serial entrepreneur with a strong tech background and founder at a software as a service (SaaS) platform that makes advertising in China easier for foreign brands. The differences between advertising in China and the West are staggering when it comes to how the […]
Daxue Talks 7: Online advertising retargeting in China

Online advertising retargeting in China The second guest of the Daxue Talks show is Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). In 5 minutes, find answers on five different questions about how to do ad retargeting on the Chinese internet. Jump to the questions: 0:23 Talking about Alimama and retargeting, is it retargeting from Tmall […]
China’s New Advertising Law: harsher measures to curb the unregulated advertising industry in China | Daxue Consulting

What you should about the advertising industry in China China’s new advertising law In recent years, the advertising industry in China faced many problems caused by fraudulent advertisements. According to the former Chinese State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC)—which after a general reshuffling of the national regulatory bodies in 2018 was integrated in the […]
AI in China’s Advertising industry: How is AI changing the future of advertising |Daxue Consulting

In 2016, the Chinese government committed its Three-Year Guidance for Internet Plus Artificial Intelligence Plan (2016-2018) focusing on economic improvement. 2016 was the first year of or AI in China’s advertising industry. Before this, advertising in China gradually completed the intelligence evolution of value war. The evolution consisted of three steps: In the 1.0 era, […]
The Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem in China

What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is buying digital advertising space automatically, with computers using data to decide which ads to buy and how much to pay for them. The programmatic advertising economy has experienced five key development nodes which embraces room for future growth. Download our report on the programmatic advertising ecosystem in China […]
Podcast transcript #37: Rising ad tech in China is completely reshaping the industry

Find here the full China paradigm episode 37. Learn more about Shimi Azar’s story and ad tech in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello, everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting and its China marketing podcast, China Paradigm. Today I’m with Shimi Azar, […]
Podcast transcript #23: what is the future of digital signage in China?

Find here the China paradigm episode 23. Learn more about Dmitry Shkylar’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hi, everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting and its China business podcast, China Paradigm. Today I am meeting with Dmitry Shklyar. BECOME AN […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm 39: How to run a successful social commerce campaign in China

Adrien Fabry, serial entrepreneur and current general manager of Phoceis Agency in China, explain all the tips, tricks and insights of a social commerce campaign in China. In this episode of China Paradigms conducted by Matthieu David, we learn not only about different Chinese social media platforms but also practical advice on budgeting, chat boxes, […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm 37: How to master programmatic advertising in China

Shimi Azar brought Spotad to China, a platform that simplifies mobile marketing. In this episode of China Paradigm, we learn about Shimi’s entrepreneurial story that started as a one-semester study abroad in Beijing and became an 8-year journey in China. Additionally, we get insight into programmatic advertising in China, tips and what to avoid. Highlights […]
Advertising trends in China: How do brands occupy metro space? | Daxue Consulting

Metro systems worldwide are beset by advertisements, and China is an exception, with some of the largest metro systems in the world. Daxue Consulting deciphered the strategy to advertise in the Chinese metro, including positioning, targeting, advantages, innovations, everything you need to know! Tips for one of the most active advertising methods in China: Metro […]