Boohee Health, the Chinese “MyFitnessPal”: How COVID-19 triggered this Chinese health app

Boohee Health (薄荷健康), which directly translates as “mint health” in Chinese, is a Chinese health app that helps people monitor their well-being and maintain healthy lifestyles, as well as sells a variety of healthy foods. The app mainly targets female consumers, with 75% of them being women in the coastal provinces born between post-90s and […]
China Paradigm 124: Supporting international institutions in China’s fast-growing healthcare segments

We interview Douglas Corley, who is a Beijing-based healthcare entrepreneur and the Co-Founder and CEO at DHB Global. For ten years DHB Global has acted as a bridge between foreign private healthcare companies trying to get into the Chinese healthcare market and the Chinese healthcare regulatory institutions to facilitate successful transitions from foreign frameworks and […]
A vision-driven start-up for the Chinese elderly healthcare market: China Paradigm transcript #38 with Charles Bark from HiNounou

This transcript is based on our interview with Charles Bark, a serial entrepreneur and a key figure in the emerging Chinese elderly healthcare market. He is the founder of HiNounou. HiNounou is one of the most interesting players in the market for elderly healthcare in China. HiNounou targets those people who want to be fit and […]
Podcast transcript #10: how technology can improve customer experience in the Chinese health care industry

Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 10. Learn more about Sebastien Gaudin’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. BECOME AN EXPERT OF CHINA’S HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY BY LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST Matthieu David: Hi, everyone. Today, I’m with Sebastien Gaudin in this new episode of China Paradigm, our […]
What international brands must know about the domestically dominated healthy snacks market in China | Daxue Consulting

Healthy snacks market in China. How to eat healthy without sacrificing taste is more or less a worldwide concern. This is certainly the case with Chinese consumers. Chinese consumers are on the search for healthy snacks to fill their stomachs. In China, traditional Chinese recipes provide a solution to this conundrum. Many healthy snacks are derived […]
Why we predict the children’s oral care market in China will boom | Daxue Consulting

Children’s oral care is a niche market in China but has a pearly white future. Due to China’s second child policy, an increasing number of infants are born every year, leading to higher demand for infant care products. In addition, because of the progressed living standard and education level of the general Chinese population, parents […]
[Podcast] China paradigm episode 10 – How an app makes China’s healthcare more consumer-centric

In this episode of China paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Sebastien Gaudin, the CEO, and co-founder of The CareVoice. The CareVoice is a health insurance tech company which uses a SAAS (software as a service) business model to make hospitals and clinics more customer-centric. Learn how Gaudin aligns the interests across many communities like health, tech, […]
The chaga mushroom market in China: on the verge of a breakthrough?

Is there room to grow for the chaga mushroom market in China? The chaga mushroom market in China has seen a significant increase in interest from consumers since 2016. Chaga (白桦茸) is a mushroom, well known in the West, which contains a multitude of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants providing health benefits. According to our research, […]
Mystery shopping: Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical in China

Development of Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical in China Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical is part of Jiangzhong Group which holds 6,374.4 million shares and represents 43.63% of the total share capital. Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical has national coverage, distributing its products across the entire country. The company’s net profits decreased by 24% in the first half of 2011, compared to the same […]