From soda to tea to alcohol, how ready-to-drink (RTD) brands compete in China’s expanding market

Main segmentations of Ready-to-drink (often known as RTD) in China market include alcoholic RTD and non-alcoholic RTD. Alcoholic RTD, mainly alcopops, refers to certain flavored alcoholic beverages with relatively low alcohol content. Non-alcoholic RTD comprises many different types such as RTD coffee, RTD tea, soft drink, juice, energy drinks and dairy-based drinks. According to the […]
7 Marketing Secrets You Must Know in 2017

With so many marketing domains at hand, marketing experts often find it difficult to excel in their domain and increase their sales. From digital marketing to network marketing, social media marketing services provided in the process to the pay-per-click marketing strategies; everything requires proper planning, organization, and perfect execution. In the past, learning from experience […]
Panda ads and movies
Never say no to panda——Panda Cheese Never Say No to Panda is a 2010 series of television commercials produced in Egypt by Advance Marketing for Arab Dairy, manufacturers of Panda Cheese. The commercials, which feature a giant panda who terrorizes people for not wanting to try the cheese, have become viral Internet hit. The ads […]