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The outdoor sports market in China keeps growing after Covid

By the end of 2021, more than 400 million Chinese people participated in outdoor sports nationwide. After Covid, increasingly more people showed interest in outdoor activities, including camping, cycling, and ultimate frisbee. According to a survey report from Nanjing Metropolis Daily in 2022 (N=1,033), 69.32% of the respondents participated in outdoor sports at least once […]

Chinese camping market: More expensive than hotels? No problem

Chinese camping market

Recreational camping is not a new concept to Chinese consumers, but about a decade ago it was more of a niche sport reserved for the hardcore outdoor enthusiasts, aka the “donkey friends” or “luyou” (驴友) in Chinese. But nowadays, the Chinese outdoor and camping market is both large and growing as it penetrates a wider […]

Pairing with Ctrip, Audi Presents an Exclusive Glamping Trip to ‘Mars’

Ctrip and Audi project in China

On September 5th, Audi officially announced a collaborative project with Ctrip: A Trip to ‘Mars’ on China’s ‘Golden Week Holiday’. During the trip, participants will take an Audi Q7 SUV deep into the Tsaidam Basin (Qinghai Province), a region known as “the most Martian place on Earth” for its topography. There, they will live in […]

Leisure Market In China: a changing Lifestyle

Leisure market in China

The following is a research on the leisure market in China. Economic development and social evolution have led to leisure activities becoming the necessities. The “need to escape” is enjoyed in different ways across cultures and is closely related to daily lifestyles, working life, and cultural patterns. As the Chinese society has experienced great changes over […]