Daxue Talks transcript #7: Retarget people across all platforms in China

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 7. From the talk with Olivier learn in 2-5 minutes how to retarget people across all platforms in China. Full transcript below: I am Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). We are a digital marketing agency focused on performance, and we are based in Shanghai. Talking […]
Daxue Talks 7: Online advertising retargeting in China

Online advertising retargeting in China The second guest of the Daxue Talks show is Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). In 5 minutes, find answers on five different questions about how to do ad retargeting on the Chinese internet. Jump to the questions: 0:23 Talking about Alimama and retargeting, is it retargeting from Tmall […]
Daxue Talks transcript #6: Do you know how to get more traffic on Tmall?

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 6. Learn in 2-5 minutes useful tips on how to get more traffic on Tmall. Full transcript below: I am Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). We are a digital marketing agency focused on performance, and we are based in Shanghai. Talking about traffic acquisition on […]
Daxue Talks 6: How to Drive Tmall traffic

How to Drive Tmall traffic The second guest of the Daxue Talks show is Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). In this China business vlog, learn how to increase traffic and attract more customers to your Tmall’s page. Skip the intro: 0:23 Traffic on Tmall can be costly and mainly comes from advertisements. What […]
China Paradigm 74: Building Baopals on top of Alibaba’s ecosystem

In this episode of China Paradigm, Jay Thornills and Charles Erickson, Co-Founder & Head of Product Development at Baopals, speaks with Matthieu David about how to provide a platform to give foreigners in China an easy and enjoyable way to shop on Taobao and Tmall. In this China business vlog, Jay and Charles talk about […]
Podcast transcript #43: Expert’s insight on how to run an online business in China

Find here the full China paradigm episode 43. Learn more about Michael Simonet’s story in China and working hard to run an online business in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting, a strategic market research […]
Top 6 China e-commerce trends to watch out for in 2019 | Daxue Consulting

China e-commerce Trends It is no surprise that China is the most dynamic e-commerce market in the world today. The growth in the number of online shoppers—and the sums of money consumers are spending via digital channels—is astounding. Organizations from diverse areas are racing to shift their business online or improve their existing online platforms […]
How to choose the right distribution channel in China: Chinese online marketplaces vs. Your own E-Commerce Website | Daxue Consulting

With more than 610 million digital consumers, China is currently the world’s leading e-commerce market. With such potential, it is not surprising that China has become the new goldmine for all online retailers, local or international. However, selling its products to Chinese consumers requires some adjustments and a specific marketing strategy for cross-border e-commerce in […]
[Podcast] China paradigm #19: How to leverage KOLs in China

China paradigm interviews Elijah Whaley, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of PARKLU, a platform that connects KOLs with brands within China’s marketing scene. This episode dives into how PARKLU became the largest KOL database in China, across 13 social media platforms. Elijah Whaley explains how PARKLU became the predominant influencer platform and how companies can […]
China Fashion Trends 2019 | Daxue Consulting

Taobao Official Report English Translation On 18th March 2019, China’s biggest e-commerce platform Taobao released a video report on Weibo: China Fashion Trend Report 2019. The headline of this 40-second short video report claims: Chinese women will be manlier than men in 10 years. The hashtag on Weibo – #Chinese women more masculine than men […]
The Red Packets advent in anticipation of the upcoming 2019 Spring Festival | Daxue Consulting

“Not only Hongbao (红包, which means “red packets” are the red envelopes with money inside) should be present in the money transactions scenario, it’s also supposed to facilitate emotion expression and interesting interaction,” stated by Zhang Xiaolong, credited as “Father of WeChat”.,senior executive vice president and president of WeChat Group during the 2019 Wechat Open […]
The success of Taobao on the Chinese Internet

How have Taobao on the Chinese internet evolved compared with its Western counterparts? In many ways, the Great Firewall has allowed China to develop unique applications, and not equivalent versions, of the biggest online platforms the West enjoys. Just as Baidu (百度) is not China’s Google, nor is Tencent (腾讯) China’s Facebook, their similarities are […]