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China’s spirits market: baijiu reigns despite growing demand of foreign spirits

Throughout the country’s history, alcohol has been part of the Chinese culture, life, art, and philosophy. The spirits market in China is the leading sector in the beverage industry, boasting approximately RMB 1.1 trillion worth of revenue as of July 2023. Being such a huge part of the Chinese economy, the spirits market also represents […]

[Webinar] China’s wine & spirit industry barometer

China wine and spirits webinar

At over 311 billion USD in size, China’s alcohol market is growing and at a new stage of evolution. Gen Z and women are growing demographics and are shifting the drinking culture from the dominant domestic Baijiu to wine and imported spirits. This report created in collaboration with Sopexa, an international F&B communications agency, goes […]

The inebriating atmosphere of the bar industry in China

As China’s nightlife industry keeps blooming, dropping by a bar with several friends has become a popular choice. Drinking cocktails, playing dice games while chatting with friends, and listening to live music are typical lifestyles for people in China. Since its initial establishment in the early 2000s, the bar industry in China has quickly gained […]

Young workers are calling quits on China’s workplace drinking culture

China’s workplace drinking culture

In early August 2021, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba was embroiled in a sexual assault scandal involving one of its female employees, Wang, and her manager, Zhang. Following the incident being made public, it sparked criticism within the Chinese online community and state media. Alibaba has since fired Zhang, who is now under arrest on suspicion […]

Premium wine in China: Cabernet sauvignon is the most popular grape variety in China

premium wine market in China analysis on grape varieties and import locations

Although traditionally, Chinese alcohol consumers have always favored Baijiu, a strong liquor distilled from fermented sorghum, with increased globalization in the past decades, consumers have begun to adopt a variety of imported liquors such as wine. While Chinese wine consumption is still low, only 1.5 liters a person in 2019, over the years, wine has […]

Australian Wines in China: Australia’s largest wine export market

Australian Wines in China

China is the largest import market of Australian wines China has become the largest import market of Australian wines, overtaken the traditional markets such as the United States and the United Kingdom. From 2014 onwards, the import value has increased rapidly and surged by 533% during 2014-2018. In 2019, the import value of Australian wines […]

China’s conquest of wine: Evolving wine drinking habits in China

wine consumption habits in China

Over the last ten years, China has been making up for lost time in terms of wine consumption, knowledge, and production. Although the country has a longer history with beer and hard liquor, wine drinking habits in China are evolving. E-commerce and westernized lifestyles: The wine market in China is changing at a quick pace […]

The alcohol market in China is making a comeback

alcoholic beverage market in China

In 2011 China introduced the new law for punishing drunk drivers, the growth rate of overall alcohol market in China consumption lowered. Faced with stricter drunk driving testing and more severe punishments were there to be accidents, people intentionally choose not to drink alcoholic drinks before driving. However as people adapt to the laws, and […]