Taobao promotion

Resources Lists for TMall and Taobao Stores

Resources Lists for TMall and Taobao Stores

Tmall and Taobao stores are crucial keys to the Chinese market for international brands. Alibaba platforms offer great resources for your market entry, but also for market analysis, some for free and some charged. Here is an overview of resources lists for Tmall and Taobao stores.

1. Resources lists for Tmall: Today’s Biggest brand, promotion campaign

This list can be found immediately below the rotating banners on the homepage of Tmall local. This list basically changes on a day to day basis, as the name implies. The left side banner is almost exclusively dedicated for fashion brands, but the right side banner is up for grabs for any brand type. The first tab lists out international brands, followed by fashion brands, and finally we can find TMall originals (brands that started from scratch on the TMall platforms).

Resources lists for tmall

2. Resources lists for Tmall: Brand Street Advertising

Brand street advertising can have two forms: The first one is seeing a brand and its products being featured on a “level” within TMall Local’s homepage. There are 11 levels in total and each level show a different type of product category such as women’s clothing, cosmetics, men’s clothing, shoes, sports, etc. On the image below, we see the shoe section of the Brand street advertising section.

Tmall brand street advertising

The other form of advertising is when a given brands add is positioned right below the banners, replacing the brand names you saw earlier in the “Today’s brand” section.

Advertising on Tmall

3. Resources lists for Tmall and Taobao: Home Page Focus

TMall Global offers also rotating banner ad on the homepage. There are 3 banners in total that interchange between each other every 3 seconds, but the potential buyer may hover over the banner to pause or browse the other 2 banners by clicking on arrows.

home page focus tmall

You can also advertise on the homepage of Taobao, with 5 banner ads that change every 5 seconds. The first banner that’s displayed is usually from Taobao itself, promoting it’s own platform’s promotions and activities.

Taobao promotion


4. Resources lists for Tmall: TMall International Home Page Exposure

The image below shows the home page exposure on TMall Global. This works very much in the same way as brand street advertising on TMall Local – but divided into 5 major categories instead of 11.

Tmall international homepage exposure

5. Resources lists for Tmall: Global Flash Purchase

TMall Global homepage display flash sales, which can be found just under the banners. There are 3 items displayed here. To the right there, potential buyers will be able to see what the next batch of items which will be offered once the display time for the current items expire.

Tmall Global Flash Purchase

6. Resources lists for Tmall: Tailor-made brand and product introduction via Tmall Global’s Sina Weibo Account

TMall also offers brand and product introductions on its official Sina Weibo account, talking briefly about the brand and offering a link to that brand’s store.

brand introduction via Tmall Global's Sina Weibo Account

Premium Resources for Taobao

1. Premium Resources for Taobao: “Through Train” (CPC)

CPC actions on Taobao is keyword-based and goes through a real-time bidding process – the higher your pay per click, the higher your get ranked. There are 13 CPC slots on the right of the search results page and 5 more slots on the bottom.

Taobao Through Train

2. Premium Resources for Taobao : “Diamond Banners” (CPM)

Diamond banners are TMall’s CPM offering. These are found on the homepage of Taobao, with 5 banner ads that change every 5 seconds. Once more, the first banner that’s displayed is usually from Taobao itself, promoting it’s own platform’s promotions and activities.

Taobao Diamond Banners

3.  Taobao Geeks (Commission)

In this page, you’ll be able to post on Taobao’s display network throughout China’s unique online ecosystem. Commission rates for sales vary from channel to channel.

Taobao Geek

By: BysoftChina, Your eCommerce Partner

See also: Sell on Tmall

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