Daxue Talks transcript #42: Mastering B2B online marketing in China

In this episode of Daxue Talks Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist, talks about mastering B2B online marketing in China. Full transcript below: What are the differences between the West and China when it comes to B2B e-marketing? The main difference for me is the concept of e-reputation. In the West, you look for information, find a […]
Podcast transcript #43: Expert’s insight on how to run an online business in China

Find here the full China paradigm episode 43. Learn more about Michael Simonet’s story in China and working hard to run an online business in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting, a strategic market research […]
[Podcast] China Paradigm 49: The keys to a successful digital strategy in China

In this episode of China Paradigm, Thomas Nixon, Co-Founder of Qumin, a China digital agency, shares how the company started, some client stories, and insights to run a successful digital strategy in China. The company Qumin focuses on branding, CRM, SEO and social strategy in China, and clients include Tik Tok, Manchester United, and China […]
[Podcast] China paradigm #20: How to get the most out of XiaoHongShu

China Paradigm interviews Miro Li, Co-founder of Double V. Consulting, a consulting firm helping foreign enterprises master China’s ecommerce scene. This episode zeros in on XiaoHongShu, a growing ecommerce-social media app in China. Miro Li explains who uses XiaoHongShu and why they use it, how foreign brands can set up a XiaoHongShu account, and how […]
Resources Lists for TMall and Taobao Stores

Resources Lists for TMall and Taobao Stores Tmall and Taobao stores are crucial keys to the Chinese market for international brands. Alibaba platforms offer great resources for your market entry, but also for market analysis, some for free and some charged. Here is an overview of resources lists for Tmall and Taobao stores. 1. Resources […]
5 tips to success in your SEO in China

5 tips to success in your SEO in China SEO in China has become part of any decent digital marketing strategy these past few years to improve your brand awareness, as well as your e-reputation. In a country where there is a 45% internet penetration rate and where trust is everything, there is little room […]
Optimising Your Wechat Marketing in China

Optimising Your Wechat Marketing in China Any company with an SNS marketing strategy in China need to incorporate WeChat (known as Weixin in Chinese). WeChat has 788 million users active every month, an increasing presence overseas, and concerted efforts to spread the use of the app to countries like India and Brazil. Projections suggest it will […]
How to leverage WeChat in China

How to leverage WeChat in China What is WeChat—The new king of Chinese social media WeChat, 3-year-old mobile messaging service social app called Weixin in Chinese, is owned by Chinese tech giant Tencent. It had 272 million active monthly users when the latest figures were released in November last year, and its popularity keeps growing […]
How to be present on Baidu

How to be present on Baidu Article provided by SEMSEO – an agency developing solution and SEO for Baidu and Google. Understanding the concept of SEO Nowadays, businesses and marketing teams are all aware of how important to their companies internet is. With people growing more and more dependent on their smartphones and computers, each […]