Lost in translation: eBay and Amazon’s China challenge and exit strategy

Amazon and eBay are household names across the world. Amazon, which initially started as a bookstore, made its name as a global e-commerce giant that changed the landscape of online retail. eBay, on the other hand, became synonymous with online auctions and provided a platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses to reach a worldwide audience […]
From Prime to ban: Amazon’s crackdown on Chinese sellers

In early 2021, the widespread suspension of Chinese sellers by the world’s leading e-commerce platform Amazon came as a shock to many. E-commerce giant Amazon decided to freeze thousands of Chinese stores. Amazon justifies its decision by referring to its terms of service, which were knowingly violated by Chinese sellers. The massive suspension has certainly […]
Overview of the E-commerce Market in China
Overview of the E-commerce Market in China China has a very dynamic ecommerce sector, where you can buy almost everything online: Food, cosmetics, and even cars and diamonds ! Then, most products are sold online at lower prices than in normal stores. Internet in China China had 591 million internet users in July 2013, but […]