Negotiating in China: 6 tips in dealing with Chinese business partners


Negotiating in China can be a long, slow process. In fact, there is no one “way” of negotiating in China. There are many resources on Chinese business and negotiating culture available; however, sometimes they are overly general and reinforce stereotypes that may not be true. For more fruitful outcomes, foreigners are suggested to study their […]

China Paradigm 114: Bridging Chinese suppliers, brands and consumers to make sustainability core product feature

sustainability in China

Matthieu David interviews Hong Zheng Founder of Adventi Communication and GREENEXT. Founded in 2004 Adventi Communication was engaged in communications for luxury fashion brands, helping international labels develop marketing strategies in China. Throughout the company’s years of activity, the theme of sustainable fashion has become a center of focus and that’s why the GREEBEXT project […]

Daxue Talks 75: Digital transformation and the CRM landscape in China

digital transformation in China

0:54: What are the main requests during and after the COVID-19 lockdown? 2:58: In early 2019, when we did an interview with you, you said that the keyword for 2019 would be ‘omnichannel.’ How does it look like for the first quarter of 2020? 6:27: In the West, we see that CRM companies like Salesforce […]

Daxue Talks transcript #73: Development of 5G and software in China

software development

Find here Daxue Talks episode 73. Aurelien Rigart, Vice President and partner at IT Consultis, answers our questions regarding the development of the 5G in China and discusses the differences between developing software in China and in the rest of the world. Have clients ever asked you to develop on the Huawei OS? How is […]

Daxue Talks 72: Comparing WeChat mini-programs and brand’s native app

brand native app in China

0:54: What features and functions can be developed through mini-programs? Can we develop a chatbot, a mini-game, a payment system, a shop, a face recognition, or CR? Also, what can and cannot be implemented through a mini-program? 3:02: What features are usable with a native app that you cannot find in a mini-program? 5:36: What […]