China Paradigm 114: Bridging Chinese suppliers, brands and consumers to make sustainability core product feature

sustainability in China

Matthieu David interviews Hong Zheng Founder of Adventi Communication and GREENEXT. Founded in 2004 Adventi Communication was engaged in communications for luxury fashion brands, helping international labels develop marketing strategies in China. Throughout the company’s years of activity, the theme of sustainable fashion has become a center of focus and that’s why the GREEBEXT project […]

China Paradigm 111: Using analytics to make data relevant in China

data analytics in China

Data analytics in China Matthieu David interviews Carole Gabay, Analytics Manager & Market analytics consultant. Insightful market analysis is really important in order to accurately determine consumer behavior and make solid market strategies. Carole Gabay has been doing market analysis for 25 years and her skills in this field have been honed and perfected based […]

China Paradigm 109: Building a SaaS in the Wechat, Weibo & Douyin ecosystems

building SaaS in China

Building a SaaS in China Matthieu David interviews Alex Duncan, Co-founder and Product Lead, and Alex Li, VP at KAWO Head of Brand and Agency Partnerships. If you are a big brand trying to establish yourself on the Chinese market you’re going to need a strong social media presence. Thus, we decided to arrange this […]

China Paradigm 108: Meet the founder of the fist internet cloud company in China

internet cloud company in China

The fist internet cloud company in China Matthieu David interviews Steve Mushero, CTO of China MSP YunChang (the fist internet cloud company in China). The cloud internet service is fairly new to China and Steve Mushero’s company has been one of the pioneers on the Chinese market. In 2015 he managed to raise 9 million […]

China Paradigm 107: All you need to know about the spa business in China

SPA management

Matthieu David interviews Johnny Chang Founder at Spa Solutions Training and Management Consultancy Ltd., Shanghai. How big is the spa industry in China and how much more of a quality service does it offer compared to the West? What training does Spa Solutions offer emerging spa businesses and in what way is the spa industry […]

China Paradigm transcript #97: Managing a supply chain in the Chinese food industry during the virus outbreak

Chinese food industry during the virus outbreak

Find here the China paradigm episode 97. Learn more about the Chinese food industry during the virus outbreak and listen to David Beutin’s, sales manager at Lactalis International experience in China’s dairy industry. Full transcript below: Hello everyone, this is China paradigm where we, Daxue consulting, interview season entrepreneurs in China. Matthieu David: Hello everyone I’m […]