China's event management industry

China Paradigm 69: Reaching 30% YoY growth after 14 years in China’s event management industry

In this episode of China Paradigm, Benoit Thebaut, Co-Founder & Director at Stelliers and Riviera Events, speaks with Matthieu David about reaching huge growth in China’s event management industry. In this episode, Benoit talks about how Innovation and technology being used for event business and changed he observed during the events in terms of social media.

  • 1:43 What’s the size of the business
  • 4:47 How did Thebaut start his business
  • 13:38 How to know if someone is the right partner
  • 17:20 Explaining how cases work and whom to partner with
  • 20:17 Sharing case studies
  • 27:59 How does Benoit price the events
  • 33:50 The pressure of finding clients
  • 36:51 How to open so many offices in such a short time
  • 41:03 How does Benoit feel the growth
  • 44:20 Innovation and technology being used now for event business
  • 48:18 Changes Benoit saw during the events in terms of social media
  • 52:55 How does Benoit manage remote working
  • 55:43 What does Benoit think of delegation

🔖 Get to know technology trends in the event management in 2019

One relevant episode

We believe, that China, with 20% of world population and as the second world economy, is impacting every single business, small to big. That is why it is a new paradigm. How does China impact your business is the ultimate question we will answer through those podcasts.

China paradigm is a China business podcast sponsored by Daxue Consulting where we interview successful entrepreneurs about their businesses in China. You can access all available episodes from the China paradigm Youtube page.

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