[Podcast] China Paradigm 48: Building relationships with the Chinese government

Building relationships with the Chinese government

Lucas Rondez, CEO and Founder of niHub Innovation Center, speaks with Matthieu David-Experton about his experience in China that led up to the founding of niHao App and niHub Innovation Center, the importance of building relationships with the Chinese government within your district and city, and how to become an honorary citizen with many awards. […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 47: How to improve your distribution strategy in China

distribution strategy China

Igor Temirov, the Strategy Development Manager of SPLAT Asia, shares his insights into how he organized the distribution strategy in China of Russian dental care products. In this episode of China Paradigm lead by Matthieu David, we learned how Temirov’s team localized in China, how they balance online and offline sales in China, and how […]

Expert at creating loyalty programs for brands in China on what brands should and shouldn’t do when while trying to retain customers: China Paradigm transcript #17 with Eliza Mao from Splio

loyalty programs for brands in China

This transcript is based on our interview with Eliza Mao, Customer Success Director of Splio and an expert on loyalty programs for brands in China. Listen to the full China Paradigm episode 17 on YouTube, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Here is the transcript from our interview with expert on loyalty programs for […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 46: Understanding CRM in China

CRM in China

Enjoyce Zhu, COO at Edenred China speaks with Matthieu David-Experton about CRM in China. In this episode of China Paradigm, Enjoyce tells us about Edenred China’s CRM solution, streamlining its products, and how companies use the CRM solution to do business. Highlights of this episode include: Defining the steps of CRM businessing in China 2019 […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 43: How to make a profitable e-commerce store in China

e-commerce store in China

Michael Simonet is a China eCommerce specialist and entrepreneur. In this episode of China Paradigms conducted by Matthieu David, we learn in-depth about his e-commerce experience with cheese during his time at the company Swissmooh, a dairy company that has experienced success in China, climbing to the top of Tmall’s cheese sales. Michael’s current company, […]

Podcast transcript #26: Understanding the search in China with a digital expert

serach in China podcast

Find here the China paradigm episode 26. Learn more about Olivier Verot story in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu David:   Hello, everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue consulting and its China marketing podcast, China Paradigms, and today, we have Olivier Verot. You have […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 42: How to drive corporate innovation in China

corporate innovation in China

XNode is a Global Platform for Innovation in China. China Paradigm interviewed Matthieu Bodin and Adriana Verde Rios, the international growth director and program director respectively. Learn about what programs are available for entrepreneurs in China and how to drive corporate innovation in China, highlights of the episode include: What XNode offers for innovation programs […]

Podcast transcript #25: How to leverage Chinese mobile payment overseas

Chinese mobile payment

Find here the China paradigm episode 25. Learn more about Annie Guo’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Matthieu: Hello, everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting, and this China marketing podcast, China Paradigm. Today, I am with Annie Guo. So, we found out […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm 41: How to start a trendy wine chain in China

wine chain in China

Matthieu David interviews Claudia Masueger, who started the friendly, casual and fun wine chain in China, CHEERS Wine. With new stores opening up all over China, we learn the strategy behind the startup, how does Claudia experience so much success in a market that is not known to be welcoming to wine? Highlights of this […]