China Paradigm 117: Finding your sweet spot in China’s B2B food scene

China’s B2B food scene

Matthieu David interviews Founder at Maik’s Gourmet & passionate chef and F&B consultant. The Food and Beverage industry is a very competitive one in China and that’s why having a strong backend and a quality frontend are the factors that will make business in China’s B2B food scene succeed. Maik’s Gourmet provides F&B businesses with […]

China Paradigm 116: Contributing to the Chinese circular economy

Chinese circular economy

Chinese circular economy Matthieu David interviews Vincent Djen, Director of Cheng Kung Garments and CEO of REMAKEHUB. The textile industry has consistently been a labor-intensive industry. In this episode, we explore what the future hold for the garment industry and how a circular economy fits into that. Are Chinese consumers already requesting fashion products made […]

China Paradigm transcript #102: The way forward to increase B2B sales in China

increase B2B sales in China

Find here the China Paradigm 102. In this interview, Yoann Delwarde co-founder at infinity growth where he helps CEOs and companies to increase B2B sales in China with integrity. Full transcript below: Welcome to China Paradigm, a show powered by Daxue Consulting where we interview season entrepreneurs and experienced managers in China about their business […]

China Paradigm transcript #100: Behind the scenes of a B2B sales network in China

sales network in China

Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 100. Learn more about Liang Sun’s story in China as the founder of Generate, a B2B sales network in China, and his experience managing a sales consultancy. Find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: Welcome to China Paradigm, a show powered by […]

China Paradigm 114: Bridging Chinese suppliers, brands and consumers to make sustainability core product feature

sustainability in China

Matthieu David interviews Hong Zheng Founder of Adventi Communication and GREENEXT. Founded in 2004 Adventi Communication was engaged in communications for luxury fashion brands, helping international labels develop marketing strategies in China. Throughout the company’s years of activity, the theme of sustainable fashion has become a center of focus and that’s why the GREEBEXT project […]