China Paradigm 91: Is the golden age for psychotherapy in China yet to come?

Matthieu David interviews David Ammerschlaeger, a psychotherapist and executive & corporate coach at Excellence for Professionals and PsiCare blog author. Practicing psychotherapy in China is truly a paradigm. The economical layout, the way healthcare is provided there and may other factors come into play when trying to develop a proper framework for psychoanalysis. How much […]
China Paradigm 90: Fast forward to the future of XR, AR, VR, AV and their China challenge

Matthieu David interviews Eloi Gerard, CEO & Co-Founder at CrowsNest. Virtual Reality has become a phenomenon in the past decade. But is China a proper ecosystem for this type of entertainment? How far has virtual reality come and what are it’s limitations in China vs the West? What is CrowsNest’s experience in the XR market […]
Podcast transcript #82: A SaaS company that helps you do cross border e-commerce in China

Find here the China Paradigm 82. Do not miss any details of Daphne Tuijn’s story and her SaaS company for cross border e-commerce in China. Full transcript below: MATTHIEU DAVID: Hello everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting – a Chinese market research company based in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong – and […]
Podcast transcript #81: An innovative global sourcing solution that helps you to find reliable suppliers in China

Find here the China Paradigm 81 and discover an easy way to find reliable suppliers in China, thanks to an innovative and blockchain-based global sourcing solution in China. Full transcript below: Hello everyone, this is China Paradigm where we Daxue Consulting, interview season entrepreneurs in China. Matthieu David: Hello everyone, I’m Mathieu David, the founder […]
Podcast transcript #80: Discover how a social platform for collaborative product development is disrupting the production industry in China and in the entire world

Find here the China Paradigm 80 and learn more about the disruption of the production industry in China and in the world, through the story of Wikifactory, a social platform for collaborative product development which has built a strong and wide online community for the production industry. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. This […]
Podcast transcript #79: Connect customers with entertainment in China through a socialized approach

Find here the China paradigm 79. Today we are going to talk about a community-oriented ticket platform in China and the innovative way it connects customers with entertainment in China. Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting and its podcast China Paradigm. Today I am with Greig Charlton. You […]
China Paradigm 89: It is time to get mature with video marketing in China

Matthieu David interviews Carlotta Godio, General Manager at FLATMIND Video Productions. How has video marketing grown in China in the past few years? What future trends in video marketing can we expect to see in China? Is censorship an issue when it comes to shooting thematic videos? These questions and more in this new China […]
China Paradigm 88: Covering Chinese Tech scene for the West

Matthieu David interviews’s editor in chief John Artman. In this China paradigm’s podcast, we get an insight into the Chinese tech scene as we discuss what makes great tech news and what makes TechNode the best resource for staying up to date with the Chinese tech market. How is the tech scene different in […]
Podcast transcript #78: Apply customer service software in China through various channels

Find here the China paradigm 78. In this episode, we will have a discussion on customer service software in China, how it offers online conversion solutions in China and the embedded AI solution that supports chat, App, e-mail, voice and all social media in China. Full transcript below: MATTHIEU DAVID: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu […]
Podcast Transcript #77: Promote the effective development of premium retail brands in China

Find here the China Paradigm 77. In today’s interview, we have a comprehensive perception of how to promote the premium retail brands in China, to what extent should foreign luxury watches in China balance the online and offline marketplace, and why customer service in the Chinese retail market is the most important to increase sales. […]
Podcast transcript #76: Bring Chinese a healthier lifestyle by doing wellness consulting in China

Find here the China Paradigm 76, where we, Daxue Consulting, interview seasoned entrepreneurs in China. In today’s interview, we will discuss wellness consulting in China, and get familiar with a food education platform in China. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of this podcast, China Paradigm, and Daxue Consulting Group, a […]
Podcast Transcript #75: Make full use of QR code for marketing in China

Find here the China Paradigm 75 where we, Daxue Consulting, interview season entrepreneurs in China. In this episode, we are with Benjamin Claeys to understand his entrepreneur journey in China, he is a pioneer in using QR code for marketing in China, and have set up several Chinese customer engagement platforms for innovative marketing. Full […]