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China’s Singles’ Day: 11.11 2022 Guide

Double 11 is the world’s largest e-commerce shopping festival. Created in 2009 by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba to celebrate “Singles’ Day” in China, it was soon adopted by all major Chinese e-commerce platforms to become the massive event it is today. Starting late October with pre-sales, the peak of the sales festival is November 11th, offering massive discounts for all sorts of product categories, allowing many businesses to make a significant portion of their annual turnover in just a few days. In the ever-more competitive Chinese market, brands have tapped into omnichannel marketing campaigns as well as livestreaming to increase sales.

In this Double 11 2022 Guide, you will be the first to see trends and opportunities for brands for this year’s festival as well as gain insights into marketing strategies brands leverage to maximize profits during the most important period of the year for online sales in China.

Download the Double 11 2022 Guide to learn:

  • What’s new on this year’s Double 11’s agenda
  • The new trends to look out for in this year’s Double 11
  • What are the emerging opportunities for brands to leverage this year
  • What tools are there for brands to leverage to launch their products on Double 11
  • From KOL marketing to livestreaming: how brands advertise their products during the Double 11

Key stats on China’s Singles’ Day 2022:

  • According to a survey by PL Daren, almost 32% of brands surveyed declared they will launch promotional campaigns on Taobao and Tmall, the leading e-commerce platforms in China.
  • The stock of men’s imported makeup products increased by more than 3,000% year-on-year during the Double 11 2021.
  • From November 1st to November 11th, 2021, the livestreaming Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) on Taobao Live was up to 131.9 billion RMB.
  • During 11.11 of 2021, the sales of pet smart products on Tmall increased by 990% year-on-year.
  • On the first day of D11, the sales of the museum’s cultural and creative products surged by more than 400% year-on-year

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