Podcast transcript #1: How to switch from an agency to SaaS model in China

Saas model in China

Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 1. Learn more about Thomas Graziani’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. BECOME A WECHAT EXPERT BY LISTENING TO THE PODCAST Matthieu David: Hi everyone. I’m interviewing today Thomas Graziani, founder of WalkTheChat, and I am happy to interview you, […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm #29: How to apply design thinking to an APP in China

Podcast - Design thinking in China

China Paradigm interviews Kevin Yu, CEO and founder of SideChef, a cooking app revolutionizing the way of cooking in China and the US. SideChef currently has around 15000 recipes available on its APP, but is also working on smart kitchens where you can buy groceries and turn on your oven without leaving the recipe page […]

[Podcast] China Paradigm #26: How to master SEM and SEO in China

China marketing podcast

In this episode of China Paradigm, Matthieu David interviews Olivier Verot, founder of the Gentlemen Marketing Agency. Olivier teaches us about SEM and SEO in China, as well as explains the many digital tools that are available to use in China. The highlights of this episode include: Who needs SEO and who doesn’t? What the […]

[Podcast] China paradigm #22: How to run an international creative agency in China

China paradigm - Louis Houdart

China Paradigm interviews Louis Houdart, group CEO and founder of Creative Capital. In this episode, we learn how to put a soul into a brand, what is the difference between a brand and a retailer, how to attract Chinese clients, Louis elaborates on the examples of Zara, Louis Vuitton, and InnisFree to describe what makes […]

[Podcast] China paradigm #19: How to leverage KOLs in China

Elijah Whaley - China business podcast

China paradigm interviews Elijah Whaley, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of PARKLU, a platform that connects KOLs with brands within China’s marketing scene. This episode dives into how PARKLU became the largest KOL database in China, across 13 social media platforms. Elijah Whaley explains how PARKLU became the predominant influencer platform and how companies can […]

[Podcast] China paradigm #20: How to get the most out of XiaoHongShu

China marketing podcast - Daxue consulting interviews Miro Li

China Paradigm interviews Miro Li, Co-founder of Double V. Consulting, a consulting firm helping foreign enterprises master China’s ecommerce scene. This episode zeros in on XiaoHongShu, a growing ecommerce-social media app in China. Miro Li explains who uses XiaoHongShu and why they use it, how foreign brands can set up a XiaoHongShu account, and how […]

[Podcast] China paradigm #18: How to take western digital marketing success into China

China marketing podcast - digital marketing China

China paradigm interviews Pauline Lahary, founder of myCVfactory, a company which helps clients with CV writing and editing, including downloadable templates and LinkedIn optimization. In this podcast, we learn how Pauline has made incredible SEO success on Google, how she is localizing her brand and product to China, how she applied western digital marketing success […]