The juice market in China: is premiumizing to healthier products after stagnant growth

the fruit juice market in China

As the top fruit and vegetables producer in the world, one could expect the juice market in China to flourish alongside the country’s economic growth. However, data shows that the Chinese juice market has stagnated in recent years. While exports are booming, domestic consumption of fruit and vegetable juice have stopped the growth it had […]

An insight into the growing health awareness in China

health awareness in China

Following economic growth and increasing willingness to pay (WTP) has given rise to higher health awareness in China with a growing need that accelerates a paradigm shift from being a reactive consumer to a proactive consumer. China is rapidly becoming the world’s largest market for healthy eating. A report by Boston Consulting group had estimated […]

Podcast transcript #76: Bring Chinese a healthier lifestyle by doing wellness consulting in China

Wellness consulting in China

Find here the China Paradigm 76, where we, Daxue Consulting, interview seasoned entrepreneurs in China. In today’s interview, we will discuss wellness consulting in China, and get familiar with a food education platform in China. Full transcript below: Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu David, the founder of this podcast, China Paradigm, and Daxue Consulting Group, a […]