Understanding Chinese sense of humor through ads

Chinese sense of humor shown in advertisements

Navigating the Chinese sense of humor can be incredibly difficult for individuals, let alone brands marketing to Chinese consumers. Although appealing to Chinese through funny advertisements is certainly effective, brands must understand the barriers, the taboos, versus the sweet spots of Chinese humor. The first thing that westerners need to wrap their head around when […]

Daxue Talks 74: Marketing in China: Alternatives to email newsletters

marketing in China

1:06: We know that email Newsletters are not effective in China. Which channel can replace newsletters? 2:56: You mentioned SMS solutions several times. What kind of software do you use in China to distribute SMS easily and to connect them to your platform? Daxue Talks is a show powered by daxue consulting, a china-based strategic market research company […]

China Paradigm transcript #90: Is the VR industry the next tech revolution in China?

VR industry in China

Find here the China paradigm episode 90. Learn Eloi Gerard‘s (CEO and co-founder of CrowsNest) story in China and find out all the details about the VR industry in China. Full transcript below: Hello everyone. This is China Paradigm where we, Daxue Consulting, interview season entrepreneurs in China. Matthieu David: Hello everyone. I am Matthieu […]

Daxue Talks 41: What you need to know about healthcare marketing in China

medical tourism in China

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the medical tourism in China and healthcare marketing in China. Thus, you will learn how to promote medical tourism online in China, discover the strategies for healthcare marketing and also learn more about healthcare scandals in China. 0:21 How can you promote medical […]

Daxue Talks 40: The basics of online health care marketing in China

health care marketing in China

In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the topic of healthcare marketing in China and the relevance of cross-border healthcare marketing in China. The expert answers the question of whether doctors can be used as KOLs, discusses Chinese e-commerce in the health sector and deliver his insight on the restrictions […]

Daxue Talks 39: Are WeChat and Douyin suitable channels for B2B in China?


In this episode, Olivier Verot, a digital marketing specialist in China, discusses the use of social media such as WeChat and Douyin for B2B businesses in China. You will learn how to best leverage the potential of WeChat and Douyin for a B2B marketing strategy and which other platforms are best suited for the online […]

Why Astrology is popular in China

astrology in China

A trend to watch for marketing to young women Astrology is defined as “The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.” It originated from the western society. Nevertheless, astrology is popular in China and has affected Chinese people’s daily lives […]

Daxue Talks 27: Quick Guide on affiliate marketing for Douyin in China


In this episode of Daxue Talks, we bring back our guest Olivier Vérot, the founder of the Gentleman Marketing Agency (GMA). With Vérot we talk about how Douyin is becoming a powerful marketing platform and its implantation into the formed social network landscape of China. Learn everything about affiliate marketing for Douyin! ACCESS THE TRANSCRIPT […]