brand consulting China

[Podcast] China paradigm #14: How to run a creative brand consulting company in China

Mattieu David, founder of China Paradigm, interviews Qin Guo, managing partner of the branding agency BSUR. Guo took a different entrepreneurial path, rather than starting her own company, she brought an international company to China. In this China podcast, Guo tells her story of establishing the Shanghai office of the branding company BSUR. She organized the in-house team, emphasizing both creativity and analytical talent. Guo gives insight on a few cases: a leading Chinese company in its sector exporting pet food with Chinese medicine ingredients in it and also about international brands, like chocolate and cookie brands, entering China and re-branding themselves. Qin talks about the differences in branding between China and the west, why it is crucial to understand a brand before diving into creative solutions, and what are some branding challenges brands may face when entering China.

China paradigm is a China business podcast sponsored by Daxue Consulting where we interview successful entrepreneurs about their businesses in China. You can access all available episodes from the China paradigm Youtube page.

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