Research on Retail in Guangzhou (China)

  The retail brands in Guangzhou: Vanguard, Jusco, War-Mart, Park n Shop, Trust-Mart, Metro and Carrefour These years, the economy in Guangzhou develops very well. Lots of large retail companies are trying to enter the Chinese retail market from this energetic city. Primary retail companies are Huarunwanjia(Vanguard), Jusco and War-Mart. Focus on Vanguard Hua Run […]

Marketing research: retail for Cigarettes in China

China is the biggest cigarette consuming country in the world. Now, there are 356 million smokers in China, which is 27% of the world’s total smoker population. It has been estimated that the number of smokers will still remain over 300 million in year 2025, thus China’s consumption of cigarettes will still remain at a […]

Marketing research: Maybelline in China

Maybelline was the invention of an American chemist, T.L.Williams, who named the product after his sister Mabel and the word Vaseline. In 1917, Maybelline Cake Mascara, the world’s first eye makeup, was born. Now, it has developed into a legendary global cosmetics industry pioneer. In over 90 countries and cities in the world, Maybelline has […]

Open a Retail Store in China

Due to China’s rapidly developing economy, some may find it a tempting location to start a new business. Like any business, opening a retail store entails a certain amount of risk, and therefore any potential entrepreneur should be aware of China’s business environment as well the status of the current market. However, the high demand […]

Fashion week in China

CHINA is on the rise, not only economically but also in the fashion world too. 1.China Fashion week China Fashion week is held March 25th -31st for A/W collection and October 25th-31st for S/S collection every year. Shows include high fashion, ready-to-wear, accessories, make-up and styles etc. Each show last up to 30 minutes. China […]

How to Find a Business Angel in China

When you are in search of financing, the idea of a business angel-an individual investor with money to invest in early-stage or start up companies. But where and how to find an angel? 1 Define who you are looking for It is much better to look for angel investor you need than to keep the […]

Market entry: E-Commerce Website in China

Starting an E-Commerce company in China To start a business in China may be complicated, but China is perfect for both e-commerce (you can produce for cheap and sell at high prices in the same country) and for e-business (everyone speaks the same language, and nobody outside can copy your new idea because of the […]

Open a French Restaurant in China

How to open a French restaurant in China? For foreigners, it is really difficult to begin such business without any knowledge of it, not to mention the complex Chinese culture. Choose the Restaurant’s Location Before opening the French restaurant, it is important to find a good commercial center to do this. In Beijing, most of […]

Market Research in China

Definition of Marketing Research Marketing research is based upon data collection, which in some cases is accomplished by research instruments such as surveys. In other cases, the data is mined from published sources. The most common application of market analysis is tracking product sales. The analysis of the data can be accomplished through various statistical […]

Mystery Shoppers in China

What does a Mystery Shopper do? Firstly, only selected customers are becoming secret shoppers. They are asked to keep strictly confidential so that the mystery shopping agency can get a true representation of the service provided by the guides, drivers and local agency in each city. Secondly, secret shoppers complete a comprehensive questionnaire. Some questions […]

China Consult

Foreign Companies’ Strategies entering Chinese Market If a foreign company wants to enter the Chinese market, there are a lot of things to consider and stumbling blocks to get out of the way. To get some consulting help can be a worthful investment for a smooth start into the Chinese market. Many companies have already […]

China Consultants

Types of Consultants in China A consultant is a professional who provides expert advice in a particular area such as security(electronic or physical), management, accountancy, law (tax law in particular), human resources, marketing (and public relations), finance, engineering, or any of many other specialized fields. In the business domain, the most commonly found consultants are: […]