China Paradigm 93: Building an event-native agency in China’s digital world

China's digital landscape

Matthieu David interviews Augustin Missoffe, a managing director of Greater China, Korea & ASEAN at HOPSCOTCH Groupe. How is event marketing progressing in China’s digital world? Is e-commerce marketing strictly digital now? And how different is running event-based marketing campaigns in China opposed to the West? Find out the answers to these questions and many […]

China Paradigm 92: Riding the wave of China’s sharing economy

online platform for freelancers

China’s sharing economy China Paradigms interviews Hammer Guan founder and CEO of Youbangxin an online platform and a powerful tool for freelancers to showcase their skills. What is the sharing economy and why is Youbangxin functioning in this type of economic sector? How important is transparency for Youbangxin and what makes this platform different from […]

China Paradigm 91: Is the golden age for psychotherapy in China yet to come?

psychotherapy in China

Matthieu David interviews David Ammerschlaeger, a psychotherapist and executive & corporate coach at Excellence for Professionals and PsiCare blog author. Practicing psychotherapy in China is truly a paradigm. The economical layout, the way healthcare is provided there and may other factors come into play when trying to develop a proper framework for psychoanalysis. How much […]

China Paradigm 89: It is time to get mature with video marketing in China

video marketing in China

Matthieu David interviews Carlotta Godio, General Manager at FLATMIND Video Productions. How has video marketing grown in China in the past few years? What future trends in video marketing can we expect to see in China? Is censorship an issue when it comes to shooting thematic videos? These questions and more in this new China […]

China Paradigm 87: Learning business innovation in China through cooking

business innovation in China

Matthieu David interviews Sandrine Delabrière, Innovation & Strategic marketing consultant, Food expert – certified Chef, instructor & author. Is innovation something that can be taught? In this episode, we learn about teaching innovation through cooking and how Sandrine has managed to build her company by helping other companies think strategically and creatively. Her workshops are […]

China Paradigm 86: Bringing Chinese gaming innovation to the Middle East

gaming market in China

Matthieu David interviews Vincent Ghossoub, co-founder & CEO of Falafel Games. Building a company that handles game development and game publishing in China can definitely be a challenge. But how big does this challenge become if your main goal is to develop games for an Arabic market? In this new China Paradigm podcast interview, we […]

China Paradigm 85: Why the 21st century Karl Marx would build a brand to communicate ideology

fashion brands in China

Matthieu David interviews Fashionable Futures’ Kate Padget-Koh, a Founder & Consultant, Industry Expert in Fashion, and Kanch Porta-Panjabi, a Founder & Entrepreneur. Their company specializes in helping clients build sustainable fashion brands in China. What Fashionable Futures’ definition of sustainability is and what their superpower is when it comes to developing brands will be the […]

China Paradigm 84: The soft skills needed to build a business in China

digital mentorship platform

The soft skills needed to build a business in China Matthieu David interviews Greg Nance, CEO of In this China business podcast, we learn about his company, how has been lucrative on a very powerful niche offering mentorship to students who want to study abroad and need to navigate the vast mechanisms of […]