Chinese Smart Cities: Inside the nation with the highest smart city pilot programs in the world

In a “smart city,” existing networks and services are enhanced with digital technologies for the benefit of locals and businesses. A smart city does more than utilize digital technologies to better manage resources and reduce pollution. It should also entail improved water supply and waste disposal systems, better urban transportation networks, more effective building lighting […]
AI and the Coronavirus in China: China’s cutting edge technologies to defeat the Coronavirus

While investigating the relationship between AI and the Coronavirus in China, we found unprecedented tech advancements in big data or AI in an effort to contain the outbreak. In fact, according to a WHO report that lists the finding of an expert investigation team sent between February 16 and 24, 2020 in China, “the implementation […]
Podcast transcript #82: A SaaS company that helps you do cross border e-commerce in China

Find here the China Paradigm 82. Do not miss any details of Daphne Tuijn’s story and her SaaS company for cross border e-commerce in China. Full transcript below: MATTHIEU DAVID: Hello everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting – a Chinese market research company based in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong – and […]
Daxue Talks transcript #25: AI and big data in retail in China

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 25. Learn from Max Peiro how to combine a real in-house capability in China with a tech team and external collaborations. Full transcript below: Max Peiro: My name is Max Peiro. I’m obviously not Chinese. I’m from Barcelona, but I’ve been living for 12 years in Shanghai. And I am the […]
Daxue Talks transcript #22: Corporate innovation trends in China in 2019

Find here the Daxue Talks episode 22. Learn with Max Peiro, Daxue Talks’ new guest, about innovation trends in China and South East Asia. Full transcript below: Max Peiro: My name is Max Peiro. I’m obviously not Chinese. I’m from Barcelona, but I’ve been living for 12 years in Shanghai. I am the CEO of Re-Hub. At […]
AI in China’s Advertising industry: How is AI changing the future of advertising |Daxue Consulting

In 2016, the Chinese government committed its Three-Year Guidance for Internet Plus Artificial Intelligence Plan (2016-2018) focusing on economic improvement. 2016 was the first year of or AI in China’s advertising industry. Before this, advertising in China gradually completed the intelligence evolution of value war. The evolution consisted of three steps: In the 1.0 era, […]
Podcast transcript #46: How to develop effective CRM strategies in China

Find here the full China paradigm episode 46. Learn more about Enjoyce Zhu’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. Full transcript below: MATTHIEU DAVID: Hi everyone. I’m Matthieu David, the founder of Daxue Consulting, a market research company in China and its China marketing podcast, China Paradigm and today […]
Emotional data in China: when emotions become measurable | Daxue Consulting

Emotion is a universal language, difficult to decipher, and very particular. What if brands today were able to know how a consumer feels when he/she sees an advertisement or enters a store? How would this change marketing? Daxue Consulting has dived into the field of emotional data in China and gives you all the keys […]
What companies must know about China’s FinTech scene | Daxue Consulting

FinTech is short for “financial technology” and refers to the application of technology within the financial services industry. This advanced and innovative combination unveils a remarkable breakthrough in modern technology. FinTech currently serves as the critical foundation to build differentiated customer experiences via personalization, quick response, relevance, and seamless delivery. There are two types of FinTech […]
Can companies predict the future using Big Data in China?

Say goodbye to crystal balls, here is Big Data in China Some say that it may soon allow us to predict the future, while others see it as the worst nightmare for privacy protection. In China, where access to secondary data is difficult due to lack of transparency, Big Data in China offers great opportunities […]
Data Science in China: The Rise of Big Data

To know more about Data Science in China, contact us at Data science can be defined as “data classification, regression, and similarity matching underpins many of the fundamental algorithms in data science to solve business problems like consumer response prediction and product recommendation”. China’s large population makes it particularly well suited for data science. […]